“Observation Platform” Despite all those who are there to support you, sometimes you need a little “me time”. Just a quiet moment to reflect.
SpiderForest‘s Comic of the Week is drawing to a close! This Sunday may be the beginning of the last week, but you can still check out spotlighted comics by going to the news articles below and clicking a link. It is as easy as that! Find a new favorite today!
Be careful out there.
On a balcony in the the White Bear tavern, a magically disguised Fip climbs up on the human-sized chair at the end of the hall that is set under the window.
Panel 2
"W-sitting" backwards in the chair and clenching the top of the backrest, Fip looks out the window... or more at the reflected gnome visage provided by Puccini's illusion.
Panel 3
The view shifts to just outside, the glass looking in. Fip's eyes drift up and to the right, the gaze moving towards the moon's position in the sky (offscreen).
Panel 4
Fip sits up, placing a forearm over the top of the backrest and leaning closer to the window. With a smile, the green archer appreciates the sight.
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