“This Fortress was Once its Stronghold” Winter has come! With some punch apparently. We’ll be seeing some costume changes soon. We don’t often get a glimpse of what the antagonists are doing. The last time we got to see something regarding the raiders without the gobos present was almost five years ago… and may have been a bit biased against the dirty dozen

↓ Transcript
A wide shot reveals the aftermath of a recent snow storm - the first of the season - upon the land near the fortress used by the "Snake Gorge Raiders"
Lenhart, offscreen: "...other than that, we are ready to move at a moment's notice. The large items are crated, awaiting the ship's return."

Panel 2
Standing next to the closed door of a small room with plastered walls and a wainscot of wood are two of the raiders. On the left is Lenhart, a large human with ruddy skin and dark hair. Most of it is covered by bandages around his scalp but the majority of it presented in a full, wavy beard. His injuries also include a broken left arm, which is held up in a sling. On the right is Chadwick, a thin, blond human with a severe widow's peak. He currently has a crutch under his left armpit, although he isn't leaning too heavily upon it.
The Captain, offscreen: "Thank you, Lenhart. Keep up the façade here until you're both fully healed."

Panel 3
While receiving instructions, there is an audible knocking at the door, which draws a side glance from Lenhardt and a head turn from Chadwick, who prepares to move by placing his hands upon his crutch.
The Captain, offscreen: "Grab Derron and get to town --"
Audible knocking
The Captain, offscreen: "-- at the first sign of trouble."

Panel 4
In a closer shot, Lenhardt has turned and opened the door, looking out through the space between...

Panel 5
...and then turning his head back to make a declaration.
Lenhardt: "It's Angelo and Elric"
The Captain, offscreen: "Let them in. You and Chadwick are dismissed."

Panel 6
In a large panel shot, we see Angelo - wearing a heavy furred cloak - striding into the room, his attention on his courier bag from which he is pulling a number of parchment sheets. Elric - similarly garbed - glances back as he has a hand on the door knob, ready to close it once Chadwick and Lenhardt have fully left the room.
The Captain, offscreen: "I ordered the crew to remain in Breakershome with the ship."
Elric: "You said this was top priority."
Angelo: "We would have been here sooner..."

Panel 7
In a moderate wide shot, Angelo's midsection is in view, his right hand throwing the courier bag back behind him as the other scatters the parchment forward...
Angelo, offscreen: "...but were delayed by the storm."

Panel 8
...so that they settle upon the surface of a desk in a similarly wide shot. Upon the desk is a quill and ink bottle, and a book with a compass symbol upon it. Between them, rests the a left hand and a hook, which now finds between them six sheets of parchment torn from a book which have illustrations. Clockwise from upper left, they depict images of Wak, Fip, Pōk, Nak, Hob (on top of the stack), and Nik. Theses are not their true images but the illusory gnome disguises they wear.
The Captain, offscreen: "What do gnomes have... to do..."