“Good Riddance” Some phrases don’t always translate between languages. It’s a good rule to confirm meaning whenever there is any doubt.

Be careful out there.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1
At the entrance to an alley, Hob's hand has levered down Nik's accusing arm and insinuating finger. Both gobos are magically disguised as gnomes, but that doesn't conceal Nik's surprise at Hob's actions, who has engaged Puccini (offscreen) in conversation.
Hob, whispering: "<You said "stay". So we stayed near.>"
Nik, whispering: "<Not quite true.>"

Panel 2
The scene zooms in on Nik, pulling the dismissed arm away from Hob, who's arm and hand - the only parts of the armored gobo in the shot - retract in surprise. Nik adds more to the discussion while giving Hob a glare.
Nik, whispering: "<Some of us hand to get rid of the watch.>"

Panel 3
The view flips to a horrified Puccini, the color draining from his skin. His hand starts to fall away from where he had it placed upon his chest.
Puccini, whispering: "Wait. Get... rid of?"

Panel 4
The shot returns to Nik, who now looks towards Puccini (offscreen) curiously while giving a reply.
Nik, whispering: "<Yeah. Walked about until they lost interest in us.>"
Puccini, whispering offscreen: "Ah! Good!"