35.04 Motivation Interrupted
“Motivation Interrupted” Have you ever been so deep in discussion with someone that you lose track of the world around you? Or had someone you weren’t aware of listening in on your discussion and then jumping in to add their two cents? With Puccini, it might be more of a dollar fifty.
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Be careful out there.
↓ Transcript
Panel 1
On a balcony in the White Bear tavern, Fip and Hob - magically disguised as gnomes - walk towards the viewer, followed close behind by Puccini... so closely that you only see him from the waist to the knees. Fip's right hand gestures as the gobo archer begins to explain to Hob, who shows support with a hand on Fip's shoulder.
Fip, whispering: "<Maybe. The problem is...>"
Panel 2
Suddenly, Fip dramatically raises the right hand up, placing the other over the heart before looking up. The poetic flourish causes Hob to let go, a smile gracing the armored gobos, face as the hand slips away. Puccini is equally surprised, as his hands come up by the sudden theatrics.
Fip, whispering: "<My heart is more for the adventure than the mission!>"
Panel 3
The view switches to Puccini's point of view, as both Hob and Fip stop when Puccini (offscreen) speaks. They look up, holding the poses they were in moments ago.
Puccini, whispering offscreen: "You call that a problem?"
Panel 4
The view flips so the point of view is now from the two gobos (offscreen). Puccini has thrown his hands up a little higher and beams down at them with a big grin as he continues his statement.
Puccini, whispering offscreen: "The journey is just as important as its end!"
On a balcony in the White Bear tavern, Fip and Hob - magically disguised as gnomes - walk towards the viewer, followed close behind by Puccini... so closely that you only see him from the waist to the knees. Fip's right hand gestures as the gobo archer begins to explain to Hob, who shows support with a hand on Fip's shoulder.
Fip, whispering: "<Maybe. The problem is...>"
Panel 2
Suddenly, Fip dramatically raises the right hand up, placing the other over the heart before looking up. The poetic flourish causes Hob to let go, a smile gracing the armored gobos, face as the hand slips away. Puccini is equally surprised, as his hands come up by the sudden theatrics.
Fip, whispering: "<My heart is more for the adventure than the mission!>"
Panel 3
The view switches to Puccini's point of view, as both Hob and Fip stop when Puccini (offscreen) speaks. They look up, holding the poses they were in moments ago.
Puccini, whispering offscreen: "You call that a problem?"
Panel 4
The view flips so the point of view is now from the two gobos (offscreen). Puccini has thrown his hands up a little higher and beams down at them with a big grin as he continues his statement.
Puccini, whispering offscreen: "The journey is just as important as its end!"
Seems like Poo isn’t always stingy