“Sudden Realization” Ever have a moment where you did something really cool but no one was there to witness it? And try as you might, you couldn’t replicate it?

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Be careful out there.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1
On a balcony in the the White Bear tavern, a grinning Puccini - thumbs looped into his belt and shoulders back - follows Fip and Hob as they walk across the shot towards their room (offscreen). The two gobos appear as gnomes, disguised by the wizard's magic. While Hob is focused on the path ahead, Fip glances off to the side.

Panel 2
In a close-up, Puccini's eyes open wide and the grin lessens some as a thought comes to mind...

Panel 3
...causing him to lean forward, confounded as it gains focus.
Puccini, whispering: "Wait a minute..."

Panel 4
Returning to the established shot, the trio has made it to the last room along the balcony. Puccini holds his hands out wide, regarding the gobos - including a similarly disguised Pōk - as he asks them a question. All three look back and/or up to the wizard, their expressions just as inquiring.
Puccini, whispering: "You didn't understand any of that, did you?"