6.02 Everything Crumbles
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Hob: [You two] good?]
Hob: [Are you] good?]
Hob: [Are you] good?]
“Everything Crumbles” Our top group has had a moment to catch their breaths and assess the situation. They have pulled up the ropes and are doing a quick inventory and injury check. Fip is quick to give the thumbs up but Zip‘s crossbow seems to have been damaged during the bridge collapse. It would appear that someone won’t be hunting anytime in the near future. Perhaps this is why our green archer is smiling after such a traumatic experience. Perhaps there will be more appreciation given when Fip returns to camp with squirrel. Not the most positive way to look at the current situation but, hey, we all deal with things in our own ways, right?
But just when you think the worst is over, something else is bound to happen. I just don’t think any of them thought it would be happening so soon! It is not uncommon for the edge of a cliff to weaken so that everything crumbles away into the depths. But to have something like that happen just after the bridge incident? Talk about bad luck! Thank goodness for quick reflexes or Nob may have joined all that rubble tumbling down.
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