Gobo Gazette is Temporary Emergency Hiatus Go! Happy Holidays from Gobo Gazette fan, Mimi… and the gobos! This reminds me of the first year of Gobo Gazette, when they were all chibi (they grow up o fast)! Thanks Mimi for the seasonal submission!

2022 is almost over and the comic has been on hiatus since about the end of November. After last seeing the bone doctor, I’ve been doing some light physical therapy. Starting mid-November it was all about getting my fingers to curl into a fist. December is trying to build grip strength and flexibility. I feel I am progressing well but, as the doctor told me, the remaining swelling will be the last to go. So it will be a while before my fingers are back to 100%. I do plan to come off hiatus for 2023, just in time for Gobo Gazette’s fifth anniversary!

Typically there is just one more post for the year and then it’s “Happy Holidays, everyone” and off for a seasonal break. The plan was to post to a return notice next week but there is still time to partake in Gobo Gazette’s first Temporary Emergency Hiatus Go! Did you have any question regarding Gobo Gazette? This could be for me or for members of the cast (no spoilers). Do you like to fanart? If you do or want to, now is the time to share! Send your questions and/or fan art to gobo@gobogazette.com! If you like, provide a link if your webcomic, portfolio, or similar creative site. I will leave this TEHG segment where it is in the comic. With luck, there might be bonus comics early next year to get us back on schedule.

Be careful out there!

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"Happy Holidays" is the bold, pink headline, and below this are headshots of all twelve gobos. Artwork created by Gobo Gazette fan, Mimi.