“These Lands are Dangerous: Full of Foul Rebels and Brigands” While it’s nice to have your head in the clouds, sometimes it pays to be aware of what is happening on the ground below you. This would be the official end of 2024’s comics followed by a short break of a week or two. To slowly bring us back on schedule, I’ll be jumping back in next week. See you then.

And speaking of things coming to an end, this was the last submission for SpiderForest‘s Comic of the Week! Did you miss it? Don’t worry, they will remain accessible below the latest comic for a bit. Just click on the link for a spotlighted comics by going to the news articles below and clicking a link. Or head over to SpiderForest and check out the collective. Find a new favorite today!

Be careful out there.

↓ Transcript
In a large shot of the right side of the White Bear Inn's exterior, a single window is illuminating the night darkness. Fip - still disguised magically as a gnome - peers up at the moon (offscreen), perched on a chair whose back can just be seen through the glass. Closer to the viewer, outside and a small distance away from the inn, six of the raiders have gathered, blocking much of the first floor's façade and partially obscuring the inn's sign, which reads "L'Orso Bianco".

The first four raiders are the group that were banned the other day: one in gray with a bandana whose head is turned away from the viewer, a shorter man with a crew cut, and a bearded blond with a swollen black eye, standing with his hands behind his back. The latter two are listing to the large muscular man, whose long straight hair is still frizzy from the previous encounter. The tall raider thumbs back to the inn as he speaks (inaudible).

The other two are the pair that followed Puccini and the gobos earlier in the evening. The one with a long, striped stocking cap is recording the large man's words while the bald man with the thick eyebrows raises a finger to pursed lips, informing the speaker that he is too loud.